package logkit import ( "flag" "fmt" "io" "path" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) var ( inited bool auto bool logWriter io.Writer logLevel = LevelInfo logLevelName string logName string logPath string channel Channel alsoStdout bool withCaller Caller levelToNames = map[Level]string{ LevelFatal: "FATAL", LevelError: "ERROR", LevelWarn: "WARN", LevelInfo: "INFO", LevelDebug: "DEBUG", LevelTrace: "TRACE", } ) //Level 日志等级 type Level int const ( Default Level = iota LevelTrace LevelDebug LevelInfo LevelWarn LevelError LevelFatal ) func (l *Level) String() string { return levelToNames[*l] } // Get is part of the flag.Value interface. func (l *Level) Get() interface{} { return *l } func (l *Level) Set(value string) error { for i, name := range levelToNames { if strings.ToUpper(value) == name { *l = i } } if *l == Default { v, err := strconv.Atoi(value) if err != nil { return err } *l = Level(v) } if *l == Default { *l = LevelDebug } return nil } type Channel byte const ( FIlE Channel = iota SYSLOG KAFKA ) func (c *Channel) String() string { switch *c { case FIlE: return "file" case SYSLOG: return "syslog" } return "file" } func (c *Channel) Set(value string) error { switch value { case "file": *c = FIlE case "syslog": *c = SYSLOG default: *c = FIlE } return nil } type Caller byte const ( _ Caller = iota NONE FullPATHFunc BasePathFunc BasePath ) func (c *Caller) String() string { switch *c { case NONE: return "none" case FullPATHFunc: return "full" case BasePathFunc: return "file_func" case BasePath: return "file" } return "file" } func (c *Caller) Set(value string) error { switch value { case "file": *c = BasePath case "file_func": *c = BasePathFunc case "full": *c = FullPATHFunc default: *c = BasePathFunc } return nil } type Writer interface { //Write 写日志 Write(msg []byte) (int, error) //Exit 日志退出 Close() error } func GetWriter() io.Closer { return logWriter.(io.Closer) } func Exit() { logWriter.(io.Closer).Close() } func init() { flag.Var(&logLevel, "log.level", "log level, default `INFO`, it can be `DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL`") flag.Var(&channel, "", "write to , it can be `file syslog`") flag.Var(&withCaller, "log.withcaller", "call context, by default filename and func name, it can be `file, file_func, full`") flag.BoolVar(&alsoStdout, "log.alsostdout", false, "log out to stand error as well, default `false`") flag.StringVar(&logName, "", "", "log name, by default log will out to `/data/logs/{name}.log`") flag.BoolVar(&auto, "log.autoinit", true, "log will be init automatic") go func() { for { if flag.Parsed() { _, err := Init(channel, logName, logLevel, alsoStdout, withCaller) if err != nil { println("logkit init fail, ", err.Error()) } break } } }() } func Init(_channel Channel, name string, level Level, _alsoStdout bool, _withCaller Caller) (writer io.Writer, err error) { if inited { return nil, fmt.Errorf("logkit has been inited") } if name != "" { logName = name } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf("log name must not be empty") } if logWriter == nil && channel == FIlE { if logPath == "" { logPath = "/data/logs/" + logName + ".log" } logWriter, err = NewFileLogger(logPath, logName, time.Second*5, 1204*1024*1800, 4*1024) if err != nil { return } } if logWriter == nil && channel == SYSLOG { logWriter, _ = NewSyslogWriter("", "", level, logName) } inited = true logLevel = level channel = _channel alsoStdout = _alsoStdout withCaller = _withCaller return logWriter, nil } func SetPath(path string) { logPath = path } func getLevelName(level Level) string { levelName, _ := levelToNames[level] return levelName } func format(level Level, msg string) string { if withCaller != NONE { var ( context string pc uintptr file string line int ) pc, file, line, _ = runtime.Caller(3) switch withCaller { case FullPATHFunc: context = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%03d::%30s", file, line, path.Base(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name())) case BasePathFunc: context = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%03d::%30s", path.Base(file), line, path.Base(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name())) case BasePath: context = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%03d", path.Base(file), line) default: context = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%03d", path.Base(file), line) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s\t[%4s]\t%s\t%s\n", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999"), getLevelName(level), context, msg) } else { return fmt.Sprintf("%s\t[%4s]\t%s\n", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999"), getLevelName(level), msg) } } func write(level Level, msg string) (err error) { if !inited { return fmt.Errorf("logkit has been inited") } messageStr := format(level, msg) _, err = logWriter.Write([]byte(messageStr)) if alsoStdout { fmt.Print(messageStr) } return } func level() Level { return logLevel } func Debug(str string) { if level() <= LevelDebug { write(LevelDebug, str) } } func Debugs(args ...interface{}) { if level() <= LevelDebug { write(LevelDebug, fmt.Sprintln(args...)) } } func Debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) { if level() <= LevelDebug { write(LevelDebug, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } } func Info(str string) { if level() <= LevelInfo { write(LevelInfo, str) } } func Infos(args ...interface{}) { if level() <= LevelInfo { write(LevelInfo, fmt.Sprintln(args...)) } } func Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) { if level() <= LevelInfo { write(LevelInfo, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } } func Warn(str string) { if level() <= LevelWarn { write(LevelWarn, str) } } func Warns(args ...interface{}) { if level() <= LevelWarn { write(LevelWarn, fmt.Sprintln(args...)) } } func Warnf(format string, args ...interface{}) { if level() <= LevelWarn { write(LevelWarn, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } } func Error(str string) { if level() <= LevelError { write(LevelError, str) } } func Errors(args ...interface{}) { if level() <= LevelError { write(LevelError, fmt.Sprintln(args...)) } } func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) { if level() <= LevelError { write(LevelError, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } } func NewLogWriter(level Level) io.Writer { return &stdWriter{level} } type stdWriter struct { level Level } func (this *stdWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error) { write(this.level, string(data)) return len(data), nil }